Frequently Asked Questions

Which schools can participate?

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Eligible immediately: All high schools in the United States.

Case by Case basis: Schools outside the USA, Homeschooled students, and any other academic program at the high school level in the USA, such as the After School programs. Please contact us if your academic program falls into any of these categories.

Not allowed at this time: Middle schools, colleges / trade schools, or any other academic program falling outside the high school level (US grades 9-12 or equivalent).

What equipment do I need?

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No computers or video game consoles needed.
You only need 1x VR Headset per athlete and internet connection.

At this time, we are exclusively using Meta Oculus Quest products to ensure fairness and minimize hardware troubleshooting.

Both Quest 1 and 2 versions are accepted, however we recommend the Quest 2 due to its later release and longer support cycle from Meta.

How do I determine if my school is Title 1?

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You can search your school status in the US National School Database or inquire with your administration.

I am a VR veteran, can I coach new teams?

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We have a section in our Discord server dedicated to player coaching and a role for such. Please reach out to us through the form below, and we will be happy to onboard you. Thank you so much for offering your help!

Contact us

Need help, interested in collaborating, or want to interview us?
Let's chat.

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